Current Studies
We have a number of studies currently running in the Clinical Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology Laboratory
A Random Trial of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Following Traumatic Brain Injury
The purpose of this study is to determine whether breathing practices using biofeedback will be beneficial to participants who have been diagnosed with a mild traumatic brain injury by improving aspects of health functioning. During this study, participants will…
- Complete a series of surveys, cognitive tasks, an EEG task, and a breathing task involving ECG monitoring
- Complete treatment sessions to have discussions about techniques
A Randomized Control Study of Heart Rate Training in an Older Adult Sample
The purpose of this study is to assess if different breathing practices will be beneficial to participants over the age of 65 by improving health outcomes. During the study, participants will…
- Complete a series of surveys, cognitives tasks, an EEG task, and a breathing task
- Complete treatment sessions to have discussions about techniques
Assessing Cognitive Functioning During a Gains/Losses Task
The purpose of this study is to help researchers better understand how cognitive functioning differs when individuals make decisions that result in a gain or a loss. During the study, the participant will...
- Complete a number of questionnaires
- Complete various computerized tasks while measuring the brains electrical activity with an EEG net
Psychometric Characteristics of ERP Indices of Performance Monitoring
The purpose of this study is to determine the measurement characteristics of brainwave (EEG) measures related to mistakes across multiple tasks. Brain activity will be recorded to achieve an improved understanding of information processing. During the study, participants will…
- Complete a number of questionnaires
- Complete three computerized tasks while wearing EEG sensors